Emotion & Music
A lovely professor of mine once encouraged me to write about music for a class on the philosophy of emotion. I was taking a class on emotions in antiquities with her. I, as always, ejected as remote as possible, and instead write about my own emotion craps. I think, when I think I am ready, I will absolutely write about that. I’m never ready. People describe me as symptomatic of imposter syndrome.
It is not that I don’t want to talk about music. It is simply that I don’t want people to devalue music.
Nor do I want people to devalue emotion.
It is not about my scorn over emotion. Unlike philosophers who are so sanctimonious to put emotion beneath reason, I despise the attempt to evaporate emotion into the corner of un-reason.
Music is of course about emotion. So what am I waiting for? It takes me almost 4 years to admit that I love feminist philosophy over metaphysics. Why do I have to struggle over everything? How long would it take me to admit that I love the philosophy of emotion?